Frequently Asked Questions


Are you struggling on your own to figure out:

The best way to deal with high student loan balances or consumer debt?

Employee benefits, equity compensation and how to leverage them for wealth?

Boundaries when helping your family with money?

How to pursue home and/or investment property ownership?

Entrepreneurship and addressing your own finances while building your business?

Here’s how we help:

We adhere to the financial planning process standards set by the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ board, with our unique personality thrown in the mix. Here’s how we do it:

  1. We work together to see what’s going on in your financial life now.

  2. We discuss what a fulfilled financial and personal life looks like for you in the future.

  3. We show you strategies that help you get there and protect you in case of detours on the journey.

  4. We implement and automate our recommendations.

  5. We regularly review how things are going, and make changes as life changes.